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Police stopped two unusual incidents in Beit Shemesh tonight
  •  02/02/2021 10:39

שני אירועים חריגים הלילה בגזרת בית שמש: באירוע אחד הוזעקה המשטרה ועצרה צעיר כשהוא בתוך קיוסק בבית שמש בעת ניסיון שוד, כאשר ברשותו סכין ואקדח אוויר. באירוע אחר סוכלה הברחת עשרות כוורות זיקוקים בדרכם לבית שמש על ידי תושבי חברון. כל הפרטים ותמונות הפריטים שנתפסו, ב'כתבה המלאה'

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Documentation: Huge concrete beams are conveyed on Route 38
  •  02/02/2021 07:07

This is not the first time nor the last time that huge concrete beams have been moved on Road 38 near our city - Beit Shemesh. This happens many times, under heavy police escort blocking the road all the way while the trucks are passing, huge beams are moved for the construction of bridges and roads on the road. We have not renewed anything so far, except that tonight a reporter from Beit Shemesh News documented for the many surfers from the Netivei Israel cameras the passage of two such beams at the intersection of Road 38 and Ben Zeev Boulevard. Come in and watch:

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Heftziba neighborhood: Demolition orders were distributed to synagogues
  •  01/02/2021 19:08

Hefetziva synagogues are again being abused with the threat of demolition: a number of administrative orders were distributed today in the Heftziba neighborhood to a number of synagogues, orders signed by city engineer Inbar Weiss. The orders were issued today even though the neighborhood is under a TBA arrangement that approves most of the lands that received the order. The full order in the 'full article':

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Increasing fines: Eight teachers received reports of NIS 10,000
  •  01/02/2021 13:57

The increase in fines is being implemented in Beit Shemesh quickly: after more than a week of silence in Ramat Beit Shemesh II, police officers recently recited a Talmud Torah Chassidim on Ohel Yehoshua Street in the neighborhood. Reports totaling NIS 10,000 each were distributed to the eight rabbis who were at the scene. Shortly before, the police fled Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes Street after dozens of extremists gathered around them.

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Residents' struggle: Councilor Goldberg responds
  •  31/01/2021 12:54

לאחר מכתבים ופרסומים רבים של 'ועדת המאבק' - נציגי שכונת רמת אברהם, הלוחמים עבור הזכויות של תושבי השכונה, שלח הבוקר יו"ר ועדת תכנון ובניה, חבר המועצה ר' שמעון גולדברג מכתב מפורט בו הוא מתייחס לקשיים הרבים הקיימים כעת בשכונה, לצורך לטפל בכל הנושאים הדורשים טיפול ומסכם: "נקבע אתכם ישיבות מעת לעת לצורך ריכוז הפניות והמשך טיפול לפי סדר העדיפויות". בדבריו הוא מגלה כי עורק מרכזי "שדרות נהר הדן" יפתח בקרוב. הפרטים, בפנים:

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Congratulations to the dear benefactor Rabbi Avraham Kap
  •  31/01/2021 12:32

On behalf of the thousands of Beit Shemesh residents, Beit Shemesh News surfers are blessed with a Mazal Tov blessing, Mazal Tov! The man of grace, the chairman of the "Ezrat Ahim" organization in Beit Shemesh, Rabbi Avraham Kap Sheikhi, at the birth of his grandson, his son Natan Sheikhi. Sun News'

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The corona virus continues to strike, the father of 11 children, a resident of Beit Shemesh, has died
  •  29/01/2021 07:48

Baruch Dayan HaAmet, with great sorrow and gloomy grief we announce the death of the late Rabbi Naftali Yaakov Bernstein, a resident of the ultra-Orthodox Kirya who contracted the corona virus. He left behind 11 children, 7 of whom were not allowed to enter the canopy. His funeral will be held today in Beit Shemesh. More details inside:

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Police in pursuit of buses
  •  28/01/2021 19:10

For the past week, Beit Shemesh News surfers have been documenting police checkpoints on the main roads, where only buses stop, most of them ultra-Orthodox passengers. In addition to checkpoints, overt and covert vehicles touring around the city, bus stops have been documented transporting ultra-Orthodox students and passengers. Are private car drivers observant? Or is it because the ultra-Orthodox do not have two vehicles in the parking lot? This is how you can get to them easily - inside the buses .. Here are documentation from checkpoints 'for buses only':

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Two nights without level B riots, why? Did they follow the guidelines again?
  •  27/01/2021 08:17

Many police forces were put on standby (Tuesday) at the entrance to Ramat Beit Shemesh B., forces that included dozens of YSM police officers, detectives, detectives, officers and Beit Shemesh police officers. There was an atmosphere of Bnei Brak-style 'revenge' in the air, but just before what seemed like a declaration of war on the neighborhood, the forces folded as they came. Yesterday, the forces chose to raid the Heftziba neighborhood. What has changed? In the 'full article':

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Another night of riots in Ramat Beit Shemesh II
  •  25/01/2021 08:52

A black night of smoke and stench passed over many residents in Ramat Beit Shemesh B. It all started in the early evening when shortly after seven in the evening the police forces raided the neighborhood again. To the reader from the side it seems like a huge raid ‘on the whole neighborhood’. It's not. Point raid on a wedding in a synagogue in the center of the plateau. from here on? A relentless commotion, a whole night of cat and mouse games between the police and residents. Extensive documentation inside:

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The Ministry of Transport intervenes, will revoke the licenses of bus drivers
  •  23/01/2021 18:43

לאור זאת שהמשטרה לא מצליחה - או לא עושה מספיק על מנת - לאכוף את הנחיות הקורונה, ובשטח האוטובוסים הרבים הממשיכים להסיע מידי יום מאות ואלפי תלמידים אל מוסדות החינוך בבית שמש. דוחות המשטרה ממומנים על ידי מליונר, אך במשרד התחבורה מתערבים והחל מהשבוע הודיעו כי נהגי האוטובוסים שיתפסו מסיעים תלמידים אל מוסדות החינוך יאבדו את רשיונם... לאור זאת חברות ההסעות בבית שמש ישבו בסוף השבוע לפגישה משותפת והודיעו למוסדות כי החל מיום א' (מחר) ישביתו את פעילות האוטובוסים. האם תנועת התלמידים תיפסק? האם מהלך זה יביא לסגירת המוסדות? קראו בפנים:

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A step up in strict enforcement, a difficult evening in Ramat Beit Shemesh
  •  21/01/2021 07:46

The law and the police in front of the residents: Such a stormy evening, the residents of Ramat Beit Shemesh B. will have a hard time forgetting. It would have looked like another evening of life routine, weddings and events, someone might not have noticed that they had taken care in advance to darken all the street lamps in the area (!) When a large force of police suddenly entered the neighborhood and stormed a ballroom. Crowds of residents went out and stormed until the arrival of the "olive grove" that changed the rules of the game. This time it was not just 'extremists'. More details and documentation inside:

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