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Budget transfer has been postponed, a new outline has been created, there are positive directions
  •  26/05/2021 07:03

Late last night, city council members were notified that board, plenary and budget meetings had been postponed to this coming Sunday. This is a second rejection by management. The mayor, who is committed to passing the budget as soon as possible, will make a number of significant changes to it. Why will the budget not be passed today? How many council members oppose the outline presented so far by the mayor? All the details in the 'full article':

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Students from Beit Shemesh took part in strengthening the city of Lod
  •  26/05/2021 06:50

This week, the students of the Friends of Beit Shemesh pre-military preparatory school were privileged to be partners in the connection with the city of Lod. The students came to strengthen and we came out strengthened! The students of the mechina maintained the kindergartens and schools, and even worked on the renovation of the mechina in Lod, which last night had a very exciting alliance. On the activities of the students and how they summarize the assistance to the residents of Lod, inside:

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BDA: The Toddler Israel Yitzhak Geffner
  •  25/05/2021 13:28

Blessed be the truth. On Sunday evening, the bitter news was received about the death of the late toddler Israel Yitzhak Geffner when he was only one year and eight months old! The toddler contracted an acute infection and died in less than a day.

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Development Area A, in a huge row to the city of Beit Shemesh
  •  24/05/2021 13:35

Huge news for Beit Shemesh: After many efforts, the city of Beit Shemesh has been approved as Development Area A for the next two years, which will lead to a major impact on employment, trade and industry in the city. We turned to council member Rabbi Israel Mendelssohn to explain to the little resident what this means. His words inside:

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The chastity signs were removed from the passage without interruption
  •  24/05/2021 11:31

In the late morning hours, municipal employees, accompanied by security guards, removed modest signs that had been standing on the steps in Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi Square in the center of Ramat Beit Shemesh II for years. The familiar signs that ordered a separate passage for women and men were lowered in a thin silence without a special PSD. How long will it stay that way? We'll wait and see. This is what the stairs looked like after the signs were removed:

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Another step towards the final abolition of corona restrictions
  •  23/05/2021 22:33

End of the gathering restrictions: From 1.6 (another week), the corona restrictions in terms of gathering will be abolished. The need to display a green character will be eliminated and the conditions of the purple character will be eliminated. The thing that has not yet been removed is the obligation to wear masks in enclosed spaces, for which a separate expert discussion will be held in the next two weeks, in which it will be decided whether to separate from the masks or continue with them. What is the little star in the guidelines? Go inside:

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The city of Beit Shemesh has been approved as Development Area A for the next two years
  •  23/05/2021 16:43

Minister of Economy Amir Peretz informed the mayor of Beit Shemesh, Dr. Aliza Bloch, that in accordance with her request, the city of Beit Shemesh was approved as Development Area A for the next two years under the Capital Investment Encouragement Law regarding the reduction of corporation tax. And trade, in the 'full article':

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Drama: City council meeting tonight canceled
  •  23/05/2021 10:42

City administration drama: First publication in Beit Shemesh News: The city administration meeting that was supposed to take place today has been canceled. The reason: the inability to move the municipal budget. The meaning in the first publication: there may be a change in the structure of the coalition! The rotation in Agudat Israel, which was supposed to take place in the city plenum this week, is also in danger of being canceled. The Beit Shemesh News reporter has learned that in the coming days, meetings will be held with the heads and members of the city council factions, and a supreme effort will be made in the mayor's office to bring the majority required to transfer the budget. We will continue to follow and update. Beit Shemesh News - Always first with you.

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Lack of budget: Shefa Division in a difficult situation
  •  23/05/2021 08:50

The SFA division, workers without workers and without a budget: The city of Beit Shemesh is growing at a dizzying pace, new neighborhoods, new streets and many residents are coming together and coming from many cities. This morning in repairing sidewalks, necessary and important care.The difficult and additional details inside:

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Not working at all: Residents jump without warning
  •  23/05/2021 07:06

Again a little while ago, echoes of explosions were heard from an abandoned quarry, near Highway 10 and the entire city of Beit Shemesh. The echoes of the explosions are heard from time to time as the quarry advances in quarrying the mountains and sees the need to blow up the mountain. But this is not a good thing at all, when the hearts of thousands of residents are blown up without prior warning of the blast. More from the documentation and details inside:

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Where is the mayor's coalition?
  •  22/05/2021 23:45

Is the Beit Shemesh Municipality on the road to a deep stalemate? A first and serious test for the new chief of staff. The mayor announced last week that she intends to raise the city budget for 2021 tomorrow at a city administration meeting. Very late. In the Finance Committee over the weekend, committee members, (almost) from all House factions voted against the budget. What awaits us tomorrow? Enter to read:

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A motorcyclist was killed in a car accident on Route 38
  •  22/05/2021 23:37

A 33-year-old motorcyclist was killed over the weekend in a serious car accident on Road 38. According to eyewitnesses, the rider got into the back of a bus that stopped at a station near the Eshtaol interchange, which also caused the bus itself to catch fire. The rider lost consciousness and the many rescue crews who felt at the scene made several resuscitation attempts, but these were unsuccessful. The passengers of the bus managed to escape from it at the beginning of the fire. Documentation of the accident inside, enter:

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