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Watch the video: A spectacular skimmer and fireworks show
  •  22/12/2020 21:23

Spectacular and beautiful to the eyes: 70 years of Beit Shemesh, a special and concluding video for the skimmer and fireworks show in the skies of Beit Shemesh, sponsored by 'Beit Shemesh News'. Enter the 'full article', watch and enjoy:

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The vaccination campaign in Beit Shemesh has begun
  •  22/12/2020 20:25

In an exciting event, the vaccination campaign against the corona began in Beit Shemesh. The exciting event was attended by Mayor Aliza Bloch, the hosts and the first to be vaccinated - Meuhedet Clinic in Ramat Beit Shemesh, the district director, the marketing director, the Meuhedet space director and a respectable number of city council members. The mayor and rabbi of the Givat Sharet neighborhood, Rabbi Shlomo Suissa, called on the residents to 'get vaccinated'! Watch the exciting event:

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Blood donation operation in Beit Shemesh
  •  22/12/2020 17:48

The Magen David Adom organization, in cooperation with the Beit Shemesh Municipality, launched a 'blood donations' operation to save lives starting today. The fundraiser will take place starting Tuesday, for about a month on five occasions. Today, a fundraiser is being held at the City Hall building in Naimi Mall. Next week, the fundraiser will be held at the Chabad School in Ramat Beit Shemesh B. All the details in the ad inside:

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70 to Beit Shemesh, fireworks and skimmers show
  •  22/12/2020 16:59

Last night - Monday - a spectacular show of fireworks and gliders was held throughout the city of Beit Shemesh. The show was held in several neighborhoods in the city and at separate hours. Many surfers sent photos and videos to the Beit Shemesh News system. Tonight we will upload a concluding and spectacular video from the show. Feel free to stay with us and watch. Photo: Toby Jacobs

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Ready and closed for four months, why?
  •  21/12/2020 17:00

At the entrance to the city of Beit Shemesh, near the center of the old Big, there has been a beautiful new road for four months, which is supposed to ease traffic congestion on the way to the train, bus stops and shopping centers. The road will greatly reduce the congestion in the ellipse square, where many loads are created every day. Watch a video from the road standing ready and closed:

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In a discussion on ultra-Orthodox discrimination, a lone council member
  •  21/12/2020 15:52

On Saturday evening, the members of the Haredi council were summoned to an important meeting at the home of the rabbi of the Haredi camp, Rabbi Natan Kupshitz Shlita, a meeting that was supposed to deal with the enforcement of construction offenses - especially for Haredim.

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A wave of break-ins on Saturday, residents angry
  •  20/12/2020 12:59

Last Saturday (end), more than ten apartments in the Ramat Avraham and Ramat Beit Shemesh B neighborhoods were broken into. According to the report that reached Beit Shemesh News, heavy damage was caused to several houses. The residents who approached us are angry, instead of investing in traffic enforcement and Corona only, who will invest in the security of the residents. The police, for their part, opened an investigation.

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The ultra-Orthodox council members were summoned to an important meeting
  •  20/12/2020 08:30

After the end of Shabbat, the ultra-Orthodox city council members received a phone call calling for an important meeting at the home of Rabbi Natan Kopshitz Shlita - Rabbi of the ultra-Orthodox Kirya, a meeting to be held tonight - Sunday - and according to a report received in Beit Shemesh News. The sub-plan for planning and construction, followed by a detailed update and report.

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Construction Offenses Enforcement Policy, Against Whom?
  •  19/12/2020 22:54

At the end of the week, a resident of Beit Shemesh sent a letter to members of the city council, headed by the chairman of the planning and construction committee, council member Shimon Goldberg, ahead of the existence of a 'planning and construction subcommittee' this week. , But only in a certain part of the city.The agenda of the committee and parts of the resident's letter in the 'full article':

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Baruch Dayan HaAmet: The late Rabbi Shabtai Shikman
  •  18/12/2020 08:54

בשעת ערב מוקדמת פשטה השמועה המעציבה על פטירתו של הגאון הרב שבתי שיקמן זצ"ל, מחשובי רבני קהילת חסידות גור בבית שמש, לאחר שחלה במחלה הארורה. הרב שיקמן זכה והותיר אחריו דור ישרים מבורך, בנים ובנות חתנים וצאצאים רבים, משפחה נכבדה וחשובה. חבל על דאבדין ולא משתכחין. סמוך לחצות נטמן בבית החיים באשדוד:

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Advanced development work in Heftziba. Brilliant: Moving to Phase II
  •  16/12/2020 23:35

These days, two projects have been completed by the Shefa Division, development work in the Heftziba neighborhood, a neighborhood in which the municipality has set itself the goal of investing resources for the neighborhood's needs. We continue to the next stage, addressing the important needs within the neighborhood itself. Full details in the 'full article':

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When the huge Yarmot Park becomes a stormy stream.
  •  16/12/2020 13:50

Since the huge park 'Yarmot Park' was built, located between Ramat Beit Shemesh A and Ramat Beit Shemesh C2, whenever it rains, the beautiful park becomes a stream with a large and beautiful flow and sometimes also stormy. So this morning with the fall of the beautiful pool rains, the park became a raging river. Surfer Nachman Nissenbaum documented a section of the beautiful stream for us from his place of residence:

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