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The ultra-Orthodox community in an attack on the mayor and Goldberg
  •  20/06/2021 05:52

Haredi Judaism is preparing for a holy war in Beit Shemesh: the low step of the Beit Shemesh Municipality in directing and conducting a representative of Shlomi Emunim in uprooting and demolishing the Shaarei Tuvia seminary in Ramat Beit Shemesh IV, these are the beginning of the issue Aliza Bloch and council member R. Shimon Goldberg respond to the displacement of the illegal structure. Article to read inside:

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Will the end date of the work be the start date?
  •  20/06/2021 05:43

The Beit Shemesh municipality announced a few months ago a single number of streets that will undergo a massive and proper renovation, even though every Beit Shemesh needs urgent renovation ... The sign hung on the street shows that on 31/08/21 the work on the street will end in Gaza .. but a resident who documented and sent us asked: Will the 31/08/21 be the start date of the work ..?!

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A large fire threatened to spread to buildings on Rival Street
  •  16/06/2021 18:33

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, a large fire broke out in the woods between Nahal Hadan Boulevard and Rival and Baal Hanes Streets. Firefighters who were called to the scene helped put out the fire. Firefighters remained at the scene hours later due to repeated flares. Special documentation from the firefighting planes inside, watch:

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How can a reformed city not update residents?
  •  16/06/2021 18:24

how does it happen? A resident gets up in the morning and asks to take his children to school, to go to work or even to make arrangements, but outside he discovers a hallucinatory thing. Someone decided that today his vehicle would not be able to set off. Watch the videos, something hallucinatory:

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Professional morning tour on Nahal Arugot Street
  •  16/06/2021 06:18

As every Wednesday, a professional tour of one of the city's streets was held this morning. This time, Nahal Arugot Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh was chosen. The tour is attended by Mayor Aliza Bloch, a member of the City Council, in charge of the SFA Division, Rabbi Shlomo Brillant, the director general of the municipality, Itamar Bartov, the head of the Operations Administration, Dudu Gemo, the SFA Division employees and others.

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Two injured in a fight last night in Neumann Square
  •  16/06/2021 06:08

In a fight that took place tonight in the old center of Beit Shemesh, Neumann Square, two people were injured, one lightly and the other lightly to moderately. Rescue paramedics and MDA who were called to the scene treated the wounded, the police opened an investigation into the incident. Photo: Zvi Ram and a Beit Shemesh News surfer

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Transportation to the 'Ramat Avraham' neighborhood will be significantly increased
  •  13/06/2021 14:44

Just before leaving the Ministry of Transportation, the Deputy Minister of Transportation, MK Rabbi Uri Maklev, ordered a significant improvement in public transportation in the populated 'Ramat Avraham' neighborhood. A new line to Jerusalem, another line will travel near the neighborhood and municipal transportation to the neighborhood will be increased.

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The heads of many drivers are on cell phones rather than on the road
  •  13/06/2021 13:53

A short tour of the roads of the city of Beit Shemesh reveals an unpleasant picture. In each square railings are broken. Not something that happens once a month or once a week. Unfortunately a routine thing and sometimes several times a week! It is difficult today to drive on city roads without encountering squares with crooked and broken iron railings. We brought easy documentation from hundreds inside:

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After a long struggle the extremist synagogue is evacuated
  •  09/06/2021 05:38

At around 4:00 in the morning, large police forces, accompanied by a crane, arrived on Abbey Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh. In a short time, the caravan turns "Shaarei Tuvia" - the synagogue of the extremists. Several attempts to evict him in recent months have failed, demonstrations have been held in front of the councilor's house, Pashkvils have been distributed, tonight he is being evicted. Documentation of the evacuation and additional details inside:

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Professional tour of the monument and Ella Valley Street
  •  09/06/2021 05:35

As every Wednesday: A morning tour was held this morning as well, and this time the monument area and Emek HaEla Street were chosen, with the participation of Mayor Aliza Bloch, Sheva Department Superintendent Rabbi Shlomo Brillant, Mayor Itamar Bartov, Dudu Gemo Operations Manager and Shef "E:

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The former mayor was laid to rest
  •  09/06/2021 04:47

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: The late Mayor of the municipality, Mati Huta. Mati served as CEO for about 12 years and worked with the mayors Mr. Danny Vaknin, Rabbi Moshe Abutbul and retired at the beginning of Mayor Aliza Bloch's tenure. Last night he was laid to rest in the Nof Ayalon settlement.

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Fire raging in Tzur Hadassah: documentation from Beit Shemesh
  •  04/06/2021 14:28

A huge fire is raging in Tzur Hadassah, a lot of smoke advanced with the wind towards Beit Shemesh and later the wind blew the smoke towards the city of Beitar Illit. Firefighters at the scene.

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