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The prime minister 'passed' in Beit Shemesh
  •  18/01/2021 22:17

שעות של המתנה, עשרות שוטרים, מאות תושבים וראש ממשלה ש'עבר' בבית שמש. מאבטחי היחידה לאבטחת אישים דאגו היטב שאף תושב לא יוכל לראות גם לא לשבריר שניה את ראש הממשלה והוא נבלע מרכבו הישר אל מרפאת מאוחדת במרכז רמת בית שמש א'. הנחיות? אף אחד לא שמע על זה, גם לא המשטרה. יש גם מי שעשה על זה רווח פוליטי. סיכומו של ביקור, תמונות מבחוץ ומראש הממשלה שבפנים, ב'כתבה המלאה':

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An evening full of growth
  •  18/01/2021 22:11

An evening full of growth: On the occasion of Tu B'Shvat, Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch is hosting an evening of growth. Residents of the city from different neighborhoods, from different ages, from different environments meet to talk about growth and renewal.

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Beit Shemesh here we come!
  •  18/01/2021 21:16

📢📢📢 בית שמש here we come! בואו ללמוד תכנות 💻 תוך ארבעה חודשים (הקורס יתקיים דרך הזום) בקורס מקצועי וייחודי לתושבי בית שמש. סיוע בהשמה בסיום הלימודים 💡. הקורס במימון מלא 💰 (!!!) של הרשות המקומית והמשרד לפיתוח הפריפריה. להרשמה יש להירשם בלינק, לקישור כנסו לבפנים:

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כשהפארק הענק הופך לנחל רחב וזורם
  •  18/01/2021 07:49

How many deeds God has done: Whenever it rains as it has fallen in abundance at night, the huge park 'Yarmot' nestled between the mountains to which many rainwater leads, becomes a wide and amazing stream. Tonight and this morning, Beit Shemesh News surfers documented the huge amount of water that made its way inside the park, feel free to watch inside:

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At any time available to help and save lives
  •  17/01/2021 07:56

This is what Rabbi Avraham Kapp, chairman of the Ezrat Ahim organization, looked like, when he received a request to rescue a Jew after 1:00 at night, he ran to bring him an oxygen generator. Honestly! Nati Levy was and documented:

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Live shooting in the heart of a neighborhood, unnecessary or real fear?
  •  12/01/2021 21:43

It all started with a report that reached the Beit Shemesh News system, around 12:00 noon, when a pair of policemen arrived at Talmud Torah on Ohel Yehoshua Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh B. The police asked to speak with the director of the Talmud Torah regarding the activities of the place. Hence the versions are divided on what happened next. Police: The policeman was attacked and felt threatened and shot in the air. The residents: There were very few residents and there was no threat to the life of the policeman. A particularly stormy event. All the exclusive details and documentation that reached Beit Shemesh News in the "full article":

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Looking ahead: a month and a half of hard work
  •  11/01/2021 21:12

Looking ahead: a month and a half of hard work looking at spring and summer: The Shefa Division headed by Shlomo Brillant is spraying on a very large scale in the neighborhoods and streets of the city of Beit Shemesh. The sprays are done as a preventative measure - and in professional language: pre-germination extermination against winter weeds Plants growing on sidewalks, roads or fire lines.

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With great participation: Launched for the parents' school
  •  11/01/2021 20:52

More than three hundred and fifty parents participated tonight in the launch of the "Parents' School" which opened on the "Zoom" app. The launch was attended by the well-known presenter Sivan Rahav Meir, Mayor Aliza Bloch and many other good people from Beit Shemesh. During the launch, Sivan shared with the participants fascinating personal experiences from the Corona era and also involved the parents in writing hundreds of comments on a variety of topics in the 'Zoom' chat. Screenshots from the zoom in:

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Enforcement regulations against perpetrators of construction offenses have been approved
  •  11/01/2021 20:21

As a follow-up to the Beit Shemesh News report, the Subcommittee on Planning and Construction has convened and issued a binding resolution in which there are enforcement procedures that will be taken against residents who commit illegal construction offenses. The enforcement procedure has three levels: increased, medium and low enforcement. There are also things that will not be enforced at all. A city council member we spoke to tonight says: Days will tell if the ultra-Orthodox residents who feel selective over-enforcement will really feel a difference. The committee's decisions in the full article:

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Tonight: Launch of the school for parents
  •  11/01/2021 17:30

The Beit Shemesh Municipality is launching the school for parents today. You are invited to the opening lecture by Sivan Rahav Meir, a media woman and lecturer. Link to the lecture Zoom Inside, enter:

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Comprehensive renovation of the cemetery complex
  •  11/01/2021 13:29

The mayor, Dr. Aliza Bloch, held an outreach today together with the deputy mayor, Rabbi Yitzhak Elmaleh, and together with Eldad Gadsi, the religious council's commissioner. New refrigeration and the eulogy hall will be equipped with new air conditioners.

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The train station in Beit Shemesh will be closed for three weeks
  •  10/01/2021 19:21

Israel Railways will close dozens of train stations starting Tuesday this week and for about three weeks. Between the stations, the Beit Shemesh station will be closed. Why are the stations closing and what will the thousands of passengers do? You can know in the 'full article':

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