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We have renewed: from now on, the Beit Shemesh news channel is also in the telegram
  •  10/01/2021 18:03

After changing the privacy policy of WhatsApp and Facebook, and many surfers' inquiries, we decided it was time to expand, and starting today, the Beit Shemesh News network on Telegram as well! Feel free to search the Beit Shemesh News channel and connect with us, to the latest and best news from Beit Shemesh! Link to login inside:

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The keys were accidentally thrown in the buried bin, evacuation workers were rescued and they were found
  •  10/01/2021 17:36

A resident of Beit Shemesh accidentally threw the keys to her home together with the garbage in the buried bin. They contacted the municipal hotline - 106 where they referred them to the evacuation manager Mr. Shaul Azulai, he was rescued and arrived at the scene with the evacuation crane, together with worker Johan and dear neighbor Shiloh Levy, with dedication and hard and joint work the keys were located and returned to their owners. They would also like to thank the director of the SFA Division, Shlomo Brilant, and the mayor, Aliza Bloch. Here is a picture of the bundle of keys:

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Rigid closure: two 'only' blocks on Saturday night
  •  09/01/2021 18:31

A reporter for Beit Shemesh News conducted a tour of the entrances and exits from the city of Beit Shemesh on Saturday evening, to his surprise in the 'rigid closure', only two exits from the city were almost strictly blocked by the Israel Police - Beit Shemesh station. The exit from Ramat Beit Shemesh to Road 10 and the exit from the Big in the direction of Road 38. The rest? Were completely open. View the documentation on Saturday evening:

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עוצמת הנס והקלות המפחידה שבשבירת עמוד תאורה
  •  08/01/2021 14:48

As we reported in Beit Shemesh News on WhatsApp and Facebook, in the afternoon a vehicle traveling on Kishon Boulevard in Ramat Beit Shemesh A entered with a high light pole and the huge column flattened 'quite easily' to the ground. Miraculously: A father and son were only lightly injured. A rescue team was there to help them. The size of the miracle, inside:

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Spectacular: The Dan River is lit and shining
  •  06/01/2021 20:49

Beautiful progress: Residents of Beit Shemesh and the neighborhoods were happy to find out at sunset that the lighting on the "River of the Dan" boulevard was turned on and the road was progressing towards its opening. The road looks bright and shining tonight and the drivers were not long in coming. View a bunch of pictures from the lighted road inside:

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Ramat Beit Shemesh D: Attempts to establish extreme facts on the ground
  •  05/01/2021 16:19

The inactive extremists do not calm down: Even tonight, graffiti graffiti was spray-painted in several places in Ramat Beit Shemesh D. Residents living in the area are trying to combat the phenomenon, but they expect reinforcements from the municipality and the police:

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For the first time in the city: scholarships for students who are residents of the city
  •  05/01/2021 10:49

The Municipality of Beit Shemesh provides for the first time a disclosure to students living in the city. As part of the variety of moves that the Beit Shemesh municipality is taking to strengthen various communities in the city in the year that it is under the Corona routine. The scholarships will be distributed through the youth center in the city of Beit Shemesh. The mayor, Dr. Bloch, harnessed Bank Hapoalim as partners for the distribution of scholarships. It is important to emphasize that the condition for receiving the scholarship is residence in the city and the priority of the application is decisive in receiving the application.

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Galloping with the caption: Drive slower, do not die from it
  •  04/01/2021 16:27

When it is written in large letters: Drive slower, do not die from it, a bus of the 'Superbus' company (line 4) was seen speeding this afternoon on Road 10, from the direction of Ramat Beit Shemesh towards the abandoned square. While galloping, the driver overtakes a transit vehicle and flies on. Rami photo from Ramat Beit Shemesh, watch the full video inside:

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Unusual fog fell on Beit Shemesh
  •  04/01/2021 10:06

An unusual spectacle this morning in the old city of Beit Shemesh, when in the morning heavy fog fell on the city and its surroundings. The fog did not separate from the city even after the start of school when the students sat in their classrooms. Residents documented the play and sent us a bundle of photos from the city and Highway 38:

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מצב הקורונה: שעות בתור וצבע אדום שמתחזק
  •  03/01/2021 15:03

Residents report huge queues on the way to the corona tests. The congestion is evident in all the clinics around the city, as well as in the Home Front Command's position on Golan Street, the people are standing in a long line whose end is not visible. Some say it is better to be very careful about standing in such a line and not just for fear of getting infected. At the same time, the red color of Beit Shemesh is getting stronger. Details inside:

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The strike is over, no benefit will likely emerge from it
  •  03/01/2021 12:10

Not as originally planned: This morning's Superbus drivers' strike took place only in the city of Beit Shemesh. About twenty drivers concentrated with their buses near the train compound near the Big Mall, where the drivers stood and demonstrated their claim of the company's helplessness towards the attacks they are experiencing. Benefit will probably not grow for them from this, the damage to the city of Beit Shemesh is clear. Details inside:

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At critical hours: The buses sat down
  •  02/01/2021 22:22

התקיפה בבית שמש שברה את הנהגים? ביום חמישי האחרון תיעד נהג חברת סופרבוס תקיפה של נערים כלפיו ברחוב נהר הירדן בבית שמש. התיעוד שרץ ברשת הביא את ועד העובדים להחליט על אסיפת הסברה והשבתה של מערך התחבורה לשעתיים, בשעות הכי קריטיות - 7:00-9:00 בבוקר, זמן היציאה לעבודה וללימודים, הפרטים בפנים:

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