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Mediterranean Basin Festival Events
  •  16/12/2020 09:31

During the next week, Sunday to Thursday, the 5th-9th of Tevet, 20-24 / 12, the 'Mediterranean Basin' festival will be held. The first festival of its kind where live music performances will take place in the Mediterranean basin, Israeli musicians together with musicians from the United Arab Emirates, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Morocco, Croatia and more.

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"Or Yael" inaugurated a school, the captains of the city came to greet
  •  15/12/2020 16:30

The Or Yael institutions inaugurated a new school last night, and the city's captains came to greet and be blessed. Among the following: Mayor Aliza Bloch, Deputy Mayor Rabbi Yeshayahu Ernreich, Sheva Superintendent Rabbi Shlomo Brilant, members of the Shas faction and more. The members went to be greeted by the President of the Council of Sages, Hacham Shalom Cohen Shlita. The event was also attended by Interior Minister Rabbi Aryeh Deri, who praised the city leadership for its work on behalf of the city's residents.

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Vitamin D distribution or a media gimmick?
  •  15/12/2020 11:52

Nearly two months ago (26/10) we published in 'Beit Shemesh News' about the first city in the country to distribute vitamin D to its residents, which after studies has been shown to help overcome the corona virus. This is a continuation of an article published the same day with Mayor Aliza Bloch in the newspaper "Israel Hayom". We turned to the city spokeswoman to find out if there would indeed be a discount or sale, or if it was just a media gimmick. Their response in the 'full article':

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Surprising: Beit Shemesh is a safe city on the roads
  •  15/12/2020 09:04

The National Road Safety Authority is currently publishing the Road Safety Index. Perhaps the most surprising statistic for us: our city - Beit Shemesh is at the top of the list of safest cities in Israel! Below it are beautiful and good cities. Here is a photo from the newspaper "Israel Hayom" which publishes the surprising figure:

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This is how a neighborhood is easily corrupted
  •  09/12/2020 14:33

Hundreds of residents of Ramat Beit Shemesh IV - the new one - woke up this morning to a neighborhood decorated and corrupted with huge graffiti in at least ten places. A corrupt and wrong thing that has become a terrible norm in the city of Beit Shemesh. The head of the SFA division took care of them quickly and the disgrace was removed. The full report in the 'full article':

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הסכנה איננה מעבר לפינה, היא כאן!
  •  08/12/2020 20:58

The failure of the broken retaining wall, the fence that fell apart and the life of the cute boy that ended in one shock hit Beit Shemesh, everyone knew and knew that there were many hazards, but no one thought it would happen and in that way. Since the disaster occurred, accusations and dangers have been floating through the city streets. It turns out - as we thought - that the danger is still here, right in front of the eyes, will anyone prevent the next disaster?

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Tragedy: The late Daniel Madmon
  •  08/12/2020 05:58

At around three in the afternoon, the rescue forces were called to Ben Ish Chai Street in the Heftziba neighborhood. The report was of an injured man falling from a height in critical condition. The rescue forces made many efforts to save him, but after a short time he was pronounced dead. Only around 2:00 a.m.

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Thousands reunite at Drive-In
  •  06/12/2020 23:02

Hundreds of vehicles, thousands of residents of Beit Shemesh and the surrounding area united on Saturday in a special 'drive-in', a 'Chassidic gathering' on the occasion of the redemption holiday of the Rebbe Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, owner of the Tanya and Shulchan Aruch and founder of Chabad. A radio and a special kit were waiting for the participants:

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Saturday: Huge drive-in at Amphi Beit Shemesh
  •  03/12/2020 23:08

19 Kislev, Rosh Hashanah for Hasidism, 'Purple Day', within the limits of the Corona, a celebration on huge screens in the unique 'Drive In' car park at the Beit Shemesh Amphitheater, which was trained so that those attending the event will stay in their car In the vehicles by each of the participants using advanced technological systems that have been specially adapted for the benefit of the event.A unique event that the organizers say 'not to be missed', all the details of the event in the 'full article':

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כי טוב: מאבקכם מוצדק! ומה הגיב גולדברג?
  •  03/12/2020 19:55

Councilor Malachi Ki Tov responded to the messages of the headquarters of the struggle in Ramat Avraham: Your struggle is justified! Even if someone thinks it's too sharp, the fight works! It spurs those who are supposed to work for you. Who spoke differently? Watch the 'full article':

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Beit Shemesh will participate in the program at the Ministry of Energy's Accelerator Authority
  •  03/12/2020 16:41

The city of Beit Shemesh has been selected to participate in the Ministry of Energy's authority accelerator to formulate action plans to prepare for climate change and sustainable energy. 30 authorities approached Kol Kora but only 12 of them were selected for the program. All the details in the 'full article':

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The fair cultivation operation is underway
  •  02/12/2020 21:00

The head of the SFA division and a member of the city council, Rabbi Shlomo Brilant, announces the unique operation that the SFA division is currently launching to cultivate the city's old gardens. As part of the campaign, 45 gardens throughout the city will be renovated. All the details in the 'full article':

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