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30 May

About an hour before Shabbat began, a vehicle was stolen from the Benin parking lot on Amoraim Boulevard in Ramat Beit Shemesh D.

The owner of the vehicle called the police in an attempt to track down the thieves.

The police, who checked its roads, reported to the owner of the vehicle that he had been smuggled into the territories, and immediately afterwards it became known that the thieves were not supposedly interested in the vehicle, but demanded a ransom - payment of money - in return.

Security personnel who spoke to family members said it was a well-skilled squad and that this was not the first time they had stolen a vehicle and demanded greed for its return.

Residents were told: Keep your eyes open and pay attention to the suspects around you, and report when necessary.

In the photo: the police in the building near the Shabbat entrance:

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