The drama in the Beit Shemesh municipality, the dismissal of the seven council members. 'Beit Shemesh News' in a special video report • Watch a summary of the stormy day's events:
Read MoreResidents of the glasses neighborhood went out to demonstrate last night on the neighborhood's main street. Beit Shemesh News reporter was there and heard them, watch the special article:
Read MoreThe corona erupts in several cities in the country, the number of verified increases, hundreds were sent for isolation, even vaccinated and recovering were called to enter isolation due to the severity of the Indian mutation. And what is the situation in Beit Shemesh? In the 'full article':
Read MoreThe Municipal Education Committee convened at the end of a challenging year. Deputy Education Commissioner Rabbi Ernreich: In relation to previous years, the Education Administration is nearing the end of the student placement process. How many students attend the schools in Beit Shemesh? What is the average number of students in a class in state education and in ultra-Orthodox education? More details in the full article:
Read MoreAn article that appeared on the Ynet website about the alleged reduction in apartment prices in Beit Shemesh provoked many reactions in Beit Shemesh. According to the website, the prices have dropped by about 0.30%, the real estate people in Beit Shemesh say that the figure is completely incorrect. The data and additional details are inside:
Read MoreThe old Beit Shemesh celebrated with the Torah scroll that was introduced in all its splendor by the Ben David family, Avi and Ariana and their family. The writing of the letters took place at their home on Sinai Street and from there in a large and happy procession the book was brought to the Rinat Israel Synagogue in Momi Square. Documentation of the exclusive income for Beit Shemesh News inside:
Read MoreIn a survey conducted by the Mako website, the 15 cities were selected in which the residents are most satisfied with life, the city of Beit Shemesh occupied a very respectable place! A variety of cities on the list, but Beit Shemesh above them all. Do you think so too? We'll be glad to hear! Feel free to comment in response to the article. View the list of cities and comment inside:
Read MoreA small match, a large fire: The ignition (so-called) of a fire this evening in a grove near Rashbag Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh B, caused a large fire that threatened to spread towards the houses of the residents. Large firefighters and police who arrived at the scene evacuated families from several buildings for fear of a flare-up. Firefighters as always battled the flames. Watch the special documentation brought by Beit Shemesh News tonight:
Read MoreWho was bothered by the beautiful and large lawn? The children of Ramat Beit Shemesh enjoyed the playground every week and some every day. The place attracts many. But someone in the mayor's office decided to turn the place into another 'mini-pitch'. The residents, for their part, fear that the minimal silence that prevailed at night will also be violated. More details and documentation from a beautiful lawn that was decided to be turned into:
Read MoreAfter the long suffering: At a good time over the weekend, the renovated Yarkon River Boulevard Road was reopened, a major axis through which thousands of residents make their way from the Ramat Beit Shemesh neighborhoods towards Road 10, the exit from the city in several directions. This is what he looks like tonight, watch the photos:
Read MoreThe bus drivers sometimes allow themselves not to stick to the law exactly.
Read MoreYossi Wright, who was seriously injured in the Meron disaster, is unfortunately still hospitalized and has not yet woken up. Tonight, about a hundred residents gathered to recite psalms and plead before the Creator of the world for his healing in the Masat Mordechai synagogue. Join us in prayers and good deeds for the healing of Yosef Azriel Ben Chaya Michal!
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