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23 May

City administration drama: First publication in Beit Shemesh News: The city administration meeting that was supposed to take place today has been canceled.

The reason: the inability to move the municipal budget.

The meaning in the first publication: there may be a change in the structure of the coalition! The rotation in Agudat Israel, which was supposed to take place in the city plenum this week, is also in danger of being canceled.

The Beit Shemesh News reporter has learned that in the coming days, meetings will be held with the heads and members of the city council factions, and a supreme effort will be made in the mayor's office to bring the majority required to transfer the budget.

There may be coalition changes (!) And that the mayor is thinking of holding the city council meeting next Wednesday near the city council plenary session, so maybe you can pass the budget as required.

We will continue to follow and update. Beit Shemesh News - Always first with you.

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