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22 May

Tomorrow we will know, are the municipality and the service to the resident on the way to a deep stalemate?

Following the announcement of the Agudat Israel party in the municipality and as we reported last week, tomorrow the mayor is expected to increase the municipality's budget (late) at a meeting of the city administration in preparation for the plenum to be held on Wednesday this week
The Agudat Israel party in their press release on Saturday evening announced that until about half an hour before the city administration, they will not announce whether their support for the budget is guaranteed or not.

The Beit Shemesh News reporter learned that the party member - Goldberg - who is ending his position on the planning and construction committee met once or more with Mayor Aliza Bloch over the weekend, and certainly the main issue that came up at the meeting was the budget. Does he hold the budget as a chimney sweep because of the change of roles and his departure as chairman of planning and construction?

As will be recalled at the Finance Committee that took place over the weekend, all those present voted against the budget.

Critical days ahead of us in which we will know whether the mayor's coalition is completely collapsing or whether it will find a lifeline.

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