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15 Aug

A 40-year-old laborer was burned by a gas cylinder that ignited during sealing work at a construction site on Rish Lakish Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh 42 neighborhood.

Rescue team volunteers Nachman Philip and Avromi Shafray said: "When we arrived at the scene, we saw a 40-year-old male laborer, suffering from burns on his upper body after being burned as a result of a gas cylinder that caught fire during work, we gave him first aid, an intensive care van took him to the hospital's trauma room in moderate condition Hadassah Ein Kerem".

Rescue Union medics Jacob Lieberman and Shalom Oberlander said: "He was actually burned by fire (boiling gas) during sealing work. After the initial aid he was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem and his condition at this stage is moderate

Photo: rescue team

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