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06 Aug

Tonight, a fire broke out in a warehouse on the 4th floor of a residential building on Roi Klein Street in the neighborhood of Ramat Beit Shemesh 5 - Neve Shamir.

The fire crews under the command of Lahav Roi and Kanin from the Ramat Beit Shemesh station, arrived at the scene and noticed a lot of smoke coming from the warehouse floor of the building.

The firefighters entered the building, took control of the fire and prevented it from spreading to the rest of the building, at the same time they carried out scans to locate trapped people and operations to release the heavy smoke from the building. The event ended without casualties.

Deputy Tafsar Ariel Cohen, intelligence and investigations officer: "The conclusion of the investigation is that a failure in one of the lithium-ion battery cells that were stored in suboptimal conditions caused a fire in the warehouse."

Photo: KBA, Major Ziv Aqua, spokesman for the Beit Shemesh station

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