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14 Dec

MDA drivers - a rescue team were called on Saturday morning to a house in the Ramat Beit Shemesh B neighborhood following a report of a man who was choking.

Shabbat officers of the 'Rescue Team', paramedic Nati Ben Shimon and emergency medical technicians Shimon Lieberman and David Shiner add: "When we arrived at the scene, we saw an 80-year-old man unconscious with no pulse or breathing after, according to his family, he choked during the meal.

"Together with other MDA medics and paramedics, we immediately began life-saving operations, which included heart massage, rescue breathing, and extracting the foreign body from the airways using specialized equipment until, by the grace of God, the pulse and breathing returned."

An MDA intensive care unit evacuated him for further treatment in the trauma room at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.

Illustration image of a rescue team

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