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22 Jan

During the storm surrounding the synagogues in the Rama 4 neighborhood, last week three synagogue tents (Lithuanian, Hasidic Sephardic) were also given demolition orders on Haguel Street in the Ramat Beit Shemesh 5th - Neve Shamir neighborhood.

Following the demolition orders, on Shabbat night a group of about 40 residents arrived at the synagogue built by the Ministry of Housing at the entrance to the neighborhood and transferred in recent months to the use of the "Neve Zion" (national religious) congregation, even though the allocation of the space was not approved by the city council, despite additional requests submitted as well as the election period.

A riot developed there when the ultra-orthodox residents scattered notes and announced that if the synagogue's tents were destroyed, they would move the prayers to the place.

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