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13 Jun

Just before he left the Ministry of Transportation, he took care of Ramat Avraham.

Outgoing Deputy Minister of Transportation MK Rabbi Uri Maklev discounted a number of service improvements on transportation lines throughout the country. To the city of Jerusalem, the line will enter the neighborhood and stop in the main square at the entrance. Line 616 will serve as a direct line to Mount Hotzvim in Jerusalem.

At the same time, the route of line 417 will be improved and will stop in the vicinity of the neighborhood. In addition, he ordered the reinforcement of municipal service to and from the neighborhood during all hours of the day as needed.
At the same time, the existing tender on the various lines in Beit Shemesh will be examined in preparation for its expansion.

In Beit Shemesh News, we will follow the development of transportation and be updated.

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