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02 Feb

MDA drivers - 'Rescue Team' were called to a house in the Ramat Beit Shemesh neighborhood of D'4 following a report of an unconscious toddler.

Rescue Team volunteers Elad Pinz, Nati Ben Shimon, Harshi Hominer and Simcha Neiman add: "When we arrived at the scene, we were handed an 8-month-old toddler with no pulse and no breathing after, according to his family, he had not woken up from his sleep.

"Together with other MDA medics and paramedics, we immediately began performing advanced CPR on him, including heart massage, ventilations, and administering life-saving medications. After, by the grace of God, his pulse returned, he was evacuated by an MDA intensive care unit while sedated and ventilated in serious condition for further treatment in the shock room at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem."

Documentation: Rescue team spokeswoman

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