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15 Mar

MDA drives - 'Rescue Team' were called to Yitzhak Rabin Street in the old city of Beit Shemesh following a report of a man lying unconscious in the street.

MDA rescue team volunteers Yeshayahu Horvitz, Israel Cohen and David Bagged add: "When we arrived at the scene, we saw a 23-year-old man lying on the floor unconscious, while being treated he lost a pulse and breath.

With the help of other MDA medics and paramedics and the rescue team, we immediately began performing advanced resuscitation operations, which include heart massages, administering drugs, breathing and giving electric shocks.

And after, by the grace of heaven, his pulse and breathing returned, he was taken by an MDA intensive care vehicle for further treatment in the shock room at Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem."

Photo Illustration Beit Shemesh News

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