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07 Jun

A fire broke out tonight, shortly after 3:00, in an apartment in a building on Sderot Ha'Amoraim Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh IV. This is a kitchen that started burning in an apartment on the second floor of the building. The entire kitchen burned down like that as a result of a candle that was left burning.
According to the report that reached the system, the family members were miraculously saved, when they locked themselves in one of the rooms, and the fire and rescue forces that arrived safely rescued them in Sed.
The MDA rescue team drives secured the fire forces and helped the family members.

Earlier, after midnight, a fire broke out in an apartment on Herzl Street, B.H. with no casualties.

This is in addition to the accident that happened at the beginning of the night between a private car and a scooter rider on Drachi Ish Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh I. The rider was slightly injured. Rescue team MDA units gave him assistance on the spot and he was taken to the hospital.

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