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03 May

At around 4:00 am (Friday), members of an extremist faction from the Ramat Beit Shemesh 32 neighborhood tried to land a caravan in the area of ​​the neighborhood, thus trying to take control of the area.

Residents who live nearby quickly arrived at the scene, prevented the takeover attempt with their bodies and called police and municipal forces who stopped the caravan from being parked and even handled the incident with great severity.

The 'Beit Shemesh Ha'ad' reporter who spoke with the residents learned - that this is an area intended for another community (Chabad), which has been waiting for allocation in this place for a long time, and like many communities in the city since the days of Baluch, but tonight the extremists arrived who tried to forcibly take over an area that was It's not theirs and the city council prevented it.

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